More About Emotional Sobriety
When we think of sobriety, we often think about stopping the use of alcohol or substances; however, emotional sobriety goes deeper that just not using. Emotional sobriety is the ability to handle any emotions that come up, good or bad, without turning to substances, unhealthy behaviors, or emotional extremes. It's about developing emotional balance, resilience, and self-awareness. When you have this skill, you can stay grounded and in a peaceful place, no matter what life might throw your way.

The Importance of Retreats in Recovery
Recovery is a deeply personal journey that requires time, dedication, and a caring environment. For those navigating addiction, sobriety, chronic pain, or healing from trauma, retreats can be a transformative experience. Retreats offer a safe, welcoming, structured space to disconnect from daily stressors and focus on personal growth. There can be unparalleled opportunities for healing, renewal, and connections with others who understand so we can get the support we need in our journey.

Emotional Freedom Technique® (EFT®): A Path to Emotional Healing
One of my favorite practices is the Emotional Freedom Technique® (EFT®), sometimes referred to as "tapping." EFT® is a simple yet powerful method that combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on emotional distress, EFT® aims to restore balance to the body’s energy system and provide emotional relief.

Don’t Stop The Seeking
Step 11 starts with the word “sought”, which is the past tense of “seek”. Since I “sought through prayer and meditation” a relationship with a Higher Power in the previous 10 steps, it is my understanding that I must continue searching throughout my life. My searching and my seeking doesn’t stop at step 11, it has to continue one day at a time so I can keep this precious gift of sobriety.

Connection with Higher Power
I remember early in recovery I had fought the idea of dependence on a Higher Power. I thought I was self-sufficient and I could do anything if I worked hard enough at it. I wasn’t powerless or had an unmanageable life. I surely didn’t need something greater than myself to stay sober even though using almost killed me. I fought all the things we learn in the program until I hit a spiritual bottom and needed to get honest with myself. I had to face the truth. I had to admit that I desperately needed help. Asking for help is something that just doesn’t come naturally to me so I knew I was in a really bad place. I did find help and got busy working the steps of the program. While I worked the steps, I found a Higher Power and began my spiritual journey.

The War On Our Attention
“Until you make your unconscious conscious, it will direct you and you will call it fate" ~Carl Jung
Does this sound familiar to you: you take a moment and open your social media app of choice or your email with the intention of just checking it really quickly. You start to look at one post or email. Then you click a link you see that is interesting, which brings you to a video. You watch the video, which then points you to another video. You watch the second video and click another link. The next thing you know, 3 hours have passed and you’ve got nothing done nor can you remember what you initially set out to do before you got caught in the distraction loop.

Self Compassion Practice
Self Compassion Practice
My practice of self-compassion often starts with this statement: This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.

Community and Connection
Community and Connection
There is so much power in a group of people who share a common bond.

Journaling and Your Recovery
Journaling and Your Recovery
Writing helps promote healing of emotional/mental and spiritual pain.

Meditation and Your Recovery
Meditation, Prayer, and Your Recovery
Promotes physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual well being.

Create Calm in Your Addiction Recovery
Create Clam in Your Addiction Recovery
90-day program of healing and developing lasting change!

Reiki and Your Recovery
Reiki and Your Recovery
Promotes healing of physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual pain.